The four ninja were not practicing at ALL. They were just playing on their video games, but then they heard a crash coming from the bridge.
Kai: Nya? Is that you?
*Nya came in*
Nya: What do you mean?
Cole: Didn’t you hear that?
Nya: Umm… No
Kai ran to the bridge to see a mysterious golden ninja transferring files.
Four Ninja: WHO ARE YOU!?!?
*Kai jumped to the golden ninja and tried to corner him. The Ninja kicked Kai in the face but Cole jumped in the way and punched him.Jay tried to zap the ninja but he jumped out of the way. Zane tried to freeze the ninja but instead he froze the table. As the ninja jumped, he dropped something. He didn’t notice so he ran away.*
Cole: Darn we missed him!
Zane: Look what he dropped!
Kai: Looks like a diary
Jay: A BOY with a dairy? HA HA HA
Cole: Um… well maybe he’s a little sad uh
Jay: You’re not even making any sense
Kai: Let’s just read it
*Zane read the diary out loud*
May 24th 2009 Dear Diary, I have a secret… I’m in love with Garmadon
Cole: WHAT?!?!
Zane: Hold on, maybe he is a she
Kai: -mumbling- And I think she needs to take another look at her true love ugh
Jay took the diary from Zane (since he wasn’t reading) and started reading out loud himself
Well, he’s in love with me too so we’re going on a date! Oh, here he is right now!!!
Cole: That’s weird…
Zane: She must have wanted nobody to see this Read more
Jay read: May 25th 2009 Dear Diary, Something very scary happened. When I saw Garmadon he had red eyes! He triedto kill me! I am kin-...
Cole: Go on
Jay: Thats all it says. There is a big blob of ink under that.
Zane: That girl must be scared to death
*Kai took the diary and went to the next page.* Nothing. Next page, nothing. Finally when he went to the seventh page he saw something
Kai read: June 12th 2009 Dear diary, Garmadon captured me and killed my parents. Right now I’m in a cell and Garmadon said he’d be attacking someone called Kai.
Cole: So she was there maybe it was when Garmadon lured Kai into the fire temple.
Zane: Keep reading
Apparently he can turn into a shadow…. wait Garmadon just walked past me… I’m going to ask him if he can be two people. I’m back and I’ve learned something very important, that shadow is NOT Garmadon. He’s my old friend that cursed me years ago. His name is Capex. The way he cursed me was that…….
Sensei Wu walked in
Sensei Wu: What are you reading?
Four ninja: Um….
Jay: The uh… Ninjago hi-history aaa…
Sensei Wu: Ninjago history?
Cole: Um... Sensei? Can I ask you a question?
Sensei Wu: Yes?
Cole: Well, have you heard of a golden ninja named….. um… well we don’t know her name.
Sensei Wu: Well, Um uh… No not at all
The four Ninja walked outside of the ship. Little did they know that the golden ninja was spying on them.
Cole: Did you hear that.
Jay: Hear what?
Cole: Sensei Wu was hesitating. It must be a secret like the green ninja.
Zane: *whispering* Kai hasn’t been saying a lot since he read that diary.
*Kai heard them*
Kai: Sorry guys but I’ve been wondering, why did she transfer our files?
Jay: Boy, that’s a good question I never thought of that.
Suddenly, the four ninja noticed a golden statue and they were going to crash into it!
Kai: Lloyd, find some place to land! We’re gonna find out what that statue was for.
The ship landed in the front of a small town. the four ninja stood before it. The villagers seemed a bit frightened by them Sensei Wu came to see why they landed but stopped when he saw the town.
Sensei Wu: Oh my. Uh… where are we?
Jay: I don’t really know
One of the villagers: Look! It’s Sarah! Are you okay?
The ninja looked to see the golden ninja again. She jumped off the ship silently and so did the ninja and Sensei Wu.
Kai: *whispering* She doesn’t talk much
Zane: Neither do you
Cole: Is that statue who I think it is?
Jay: Lord…. Garmadon
Sensei Wu: It can’t be
A Villager: Do you like our statue? It took hours to build.
Cole: Yeah but, why Garmadon?
Another Villager: He’s our hero. Capex can’t kill us as long as we’re here near our statue. We do not think of him as a god though. But, he’s Sarah’s love.
Kai heard none of this. While the villagers were talking, he snuck away and read more of the diary.
Kai Read: The way he cursed me was that he took away my strength. But I can only destroy my enemies when he wants me to. He roams inside me and controls me. When he’s not in me, I can do whatever I want. Capex also took my voice away. The only way I can communicate is by writing.Once Capex is destroyed, I can talk again.
Kai was very shocked to see this. He was going to tell the others, but he knows he had to keep it a secret.
Kai was reading the diary when he noticed someone behind him. He heard a laugh sounding like Garmadon’s shadow.
Kai: Wh-who’s there?
Voice: Nice to see you again, Kai
Kai: Who are-are you. Show yourself!
Voice: I go by the name… Capex.
Kai knew he couldn’t yell for help because he was far away from his friends.
Capex appeared behind him.
Capex: And this time, you can’t yell for help.
Kai: I thought everyone was safe when the statue is up.
Capex: Just like you said, “Only when it’s up”.
Kai: The statue is torn down? Oh no!
Capex punched Kai in the face and Kai flew out of his hiding place
A villager: Look that guy! He got hit… wait,… who’s that? IT’S CAPEX! RUN!!!
Capex and Sarah ran at each other. Capex kept punching Sarah in the face and when Sarah finally fell over, they both saw Kai sword.
A Villager: That’s the sword that gives either Sarah or Capex power. Whoever gets there first will be invincible! GO SARAH!
Capex and Sarah both ran to the sword also fighting each other.
Kai: Sarah? Can I ask you a question? It’s a secret.
Sarah nodded her head
Kai took her back to his hiding place and took the diary off the ground.
Kai: It says Capex took your voice away. Is that true?
Sarah: He did…..
Kai: Oh so you can talk
Sarah: I can now…
Kai: How come you didn’t say it in your diary?
Sarah took the diary and went to the next page
Kai: Oh…
Kai took off Sarah’s hood to see what she looked like. Sarah had long brown hair in a braid.
Kai: Why did you never take off your hood?
Sarah: I’m a mess…
Kai: Not to me you aren’t
Kai took her hands
Jay: HA HA HA HA HA -breath- HA HA HA -cough cough-HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!
Kai's face turned red
Kai: JAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kai: JAY!!!!!!!!!!
Jay: HA HA I’m -cough cough- sorry It’s just-
Kai: I WILL say it
Jay: No! please go… HA HA HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
Sarah: What?
Kai: Jay kissed his pillow
*Jay stopped laughing. His face turned red. He ran away*
*Sarah sighed*
Kai: What's wrong?
Sarah: I know I have to tell you sometime
Kai: Tell me what?
Sarah: Garmadon’s secret
Kai’s eyes got wide
Sarah: He’s not really evil. The snake that bit him, it wasn’t the Great Devourer; it was Capex.
Kai: eyes got wider
Sarah: Capex knocked out Garmadon and made him very sick. But he also controlled him. Until one day I fought Garmadon. Once I won him he passed out. Capex found his last target, me
Sensei Wu and the other three ninja walked to where they were.
Kai: -Whispering- Are you gonna tell them about your voice?
Sarah: I need to keep it a secret
Kai: -Clears Throat- Well, I’ll go show Sarah her room
Kai and Sarah walked into a spare room on the ship
Kai: We had to repair the ship since the Great Devourer destroyed it. It was really hard
Sarah sighed
Kai: You okay?
Sarah: You know that diary?
Kai: yeah
Sarah: Well… I need to tell you something that I didn’t say in my diary. But, I trust you not to tell anyone
Kai: I won’t tell anyone, I promise
Sarah took a deep breath
Sarah: Capex and I have met before. I was the one that helped Garmadon become in charge of the skeleton army
Kai: How could you?! The skeleton army are evil and-
Sarah: I’m not done yet. You see, if I hadn’t fallen with him into the underworld… Well, let’s just say that I saved you all, it made me stronger. You would’ve all been destroyed by Capex if it weren’t for me.
Kai: How come?
Sarah: Because… you need to rely on Garmadon to save you…
Kai: WHAT??!??!?!? You’re not making any sense!
Sarah: quiet! Now, me and Garmadon were dating as you know. When I came for out 4th date, he had red eyes. He was about to kill Wu. So I ran but, this hole caved into the ground. I fell with Garmadon but before he found me, I escaped.
Kai: Where did you hi-
Jay: Heh heh, uh… It’s uh, time for dinner
Kai: Okay, I’ll be there in a sec
Once Jay left Kai looked at Sarah
Kai: You coming?
Sarah: Uh.. No thanks. I need to do something. Besides I’m not hungry
Kai: Alright.
Kai walked to the dinner table
Jay: Sooo, how’s your girlfriend?
Kai couldn’t handle it any longer. He hit Kai right in the face and tackled him to the ground.
Jay: Kai I just-
Kai: DON’T TALK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sensei Wu got up
Sensei Wu: Kai! Stop!
Kai punched sensei too
Zane punched Kai. Suddenly, Kai’s eyes went red
Cole: RUN!!!!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile Sarah went to the bridge and started looking at the files. Her heart pounded in her chest as she pressed more buttons.
Sarah: What’s this? Oh no!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sarah ran to the deck but stopped when she saw Kai trying to destroy his friends. Sarah was about to talk but she remembered she was going to keep her voice a secret. So instead she attacked Kai
Sarah knew why he was being like this. So she spoke.
Sarah: Don’t worry, I’m right here…. brother
Kai disappeared
Cole: I thought you were still doing that silent treatMENT! SARAH!!!!!!!!!!
Suddenly, Capex was behind her. He had the sword of fire
Sarah: Why have you become so evil you fool?
Capex: You already know.
He lifted up his sword. Sarah was paralyzed with fear. Someone pushed her away fortunately.
Sarah: Garmadon?
Garmadon: Capex! I’ve had enough of you!
Garmadon took out a sword and started trying to fight Capex
Capex: Oh how pathetic I can’t stand how slow you’re moving, you’re like a turtle, yes a black turtle
With that, Capex disappeared. Cole hit Garmadon
Cole: Dude, you’re so confusing. Kai had his sword, how come we don’t have our weapons?
Garmadon: Because Kai is going to be alot of help to defeat Capex
Sarah: Garmadon, I need to tell you something important… oh, uh yeah I forgot
Sarah closed her eyes. Suddenly, Kai popped up next to Sarah
Jay, Zane, Cole: Kai!
while they were all crowding around Kai asking him questions, Sarah pulled Garmadon back
Sarah: I heard Pythor was loose
Garmadon: I saw him. Pythor was talking to Capex about taking over together. I couldn’t hear them much because I only got to hear Pythor say something about taking over together, then I heard Go ninja Go
Sarah: Well, that’s not surprising
Garmadon: Is there anything else?
Sarah: Yes, one more thing. I figured out that Capex can take form of anyone
Garmadon: what?
Sarah: In the whole world
Kai came over to Sarah
Kai: Thanks for saving me
Sarah elbowed Garmadon
Garmadon: Alright, here are your weapons
Garmadon gave the four ninja their weapons
Zane: Thank you Garmadon
Garmadon: Well, I guess I’m not all that evil. From now on we’ll have to do teamwork to defeat Capex. Good Luck.
Capex knocked Kai out Kai woke up, he was chained up too, one chain was around his neck, two were on his hands also stuck to a rock. Capex came to him
Capex: Too bad your friends aren’t here to save you, now where is Sarah?
Kai just struggled to get away
Kai: NINJA-GO!!!!!!!!!…….. OW!
Capex laughed
Capex: It’s too bad you can’t get away. You see, theese are ninja free Will you tell me?
Capex: suit yourself
Capex pulled on a chain that was connected with the chain on his neck
Kai: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile the ship landed and the four ninja jumped off it
Cole: Okay Zane, do your thing
Zane scanned around and found were Kai was They ran to the rocks that blocked them
The three ninja: NINJA GO!!!!!!!!!!!
They cleared the rocks
Jay: Okay so….. do you see that?
Cole: Pythor!
Pythor: …….. Um… I can explain
The ninja took out their weapons
Pythor: Okay or not
Zane: I found Kai!
The ninjs ran over to Kai
Cole: -just about to cry- Kai uh… Kai
A voice: He was killed by Capex
The ninja turned around to see a light purple ninja
I’m Lexi, I’m Sarahs sensei
Sarah came out of some near by bushes
Sarah: -with tears in her eyes- I’m sorry I wouldve told you later but I was too shocked. I can bring him back to life but it will take some time, I’ll need help with Jay too.
Zane: By the way Sarah, why do you keep saying “Don’t worry I’m-
Sarah quickly covered Zanes mouth
Sarah: It’s good I covered your mouth. Thats a very powerful secret line. It lets you do anything you want. You think what you want it to do, then you say the line.
Cole: That can sure come in handy
Nya: Well, iit’s good to have you back.
Jay: But where is Lexi?
Sarah: I saw her run away before Capex could catch her too. Don’t worry, we’ll see her soon.
The four ninja were not practicing at ALL. They were just playing on their video games, but then they heard a crash coming from the bridge.
ReplyDeleteKai: Nya? Is that you?
*Nya came in*
Nya: What do you mean?
Cole: Didn’t you hear that?
Nya: Umm… No
Kai ran to the bridge to see a mysterious golden ninja transferring files.
Four Ninja: WHO ARE YOU!?!?
*Kai jumped to the golden ninja and tried to corner him. The Ninja kicked Kai in the face but Cole jumped in the way and punched him.Jay tried to zap the ninja but he jumped out of the way. Zane tried to freeze the ninja but instead he froze the table. As the ninja jumped, he dropped something. He didn’t notice so he ran away.*
Cole: Darn we missed him!
Zane: Look what he dropped!
Kai: Looks like a diary
Jay: A BOY with a dairy? HA HA HA
Cole: Um… well maybe he’s a little sad uh
Jay: You’re not even making any sense
Kai: Let’s just read it
*Zane read the diary out loud*
May 24th 2009
Dear Diary,
I have a secret… I’m in love with Garmadon
Cole: WHAT?!?!
Zane: Hold on, maybe he is a she
Kai: -mumbling- And I think she needs to take another look at her true love ugh
Jay took the diary from Zane (since he wasn’t reading) and started reading out loud himself
Well, he’s in love with me too so we’re going on a date! Oh, here he is right now!!!
Cole: That’s weird…
Zane: She must have wanted nobody to see this Read more
Jay read:
May 25th 2009
Dear Diary,
Something very scary happened. When I saw Garmadon he had red eyes! He triedto kill me! I am kin-...
Cole: Go on
Jay: Thats all it says. There is a big blob of ink under that.
Zane: That girl must be scared to death
*Kai took the diary and went to the next page.*
Next page,
Finally when he went to the seventh page he saw something
Kai read:
June 12th 2009
Dear diary,
Garmadon captured me and killed my parents. Right now I’m in a cell and Garmadon said he’d be attacking someone called Kai.
Cole: So she was there maybe it was when Garmadon lured Kai into the fire temple.
Zane: Keep reading
Apparently he can turn into a shadow…. wait Garmadon just walked past me… I’m going to ask him if he can be two people. I’m back and I’ve learned something very important, that shadow is NOT Garmadon. He’s my old friend that cursed me years ago. His name is Capex. The way he cursed me was that…….
Sensei Wu walked in
Sensei Wu: What are you reading?
Four ninja: Um….
Jay: The uh… Ninjago hi-history aaa…
Sensei Wu: Ninjago history?
Cole: Um... Sensei? Can I ask you a question?
Sensei Wu: Yes?
Cole: Well, have you heard of a golden ninja named….. um… well we don’t know her name.
Sensei Wu: Well, Um uh… No not at all
The four Ninja walked outside of the ship. Little did they know that the golden ninja was spying on them.
Cole: Did you hear that.
Jay: Hear what?
Cole: Sensei Wu was hesitating. It must be a secret like the green ninja.
Zane: *whispering* Kai hasn’t been saying a lot since he read that diary.
*Kai heard them*
Kai: Sorry guys but I’ve been wondering, why did she transfer our files?
Jay: Boy, that’s a good question I never thought of that.
Suddenly, the four ninja noticed a golden statue and they were going to crash into it!
Zane: Oh no!
Lloyd’s voice came on the Loud Speaker
Lloyd: Don’t worry guys!
ReplyDeleteThe ship turned away from that
Kai: Lloyd, find some place to land! We’re gonna find out what that statue was for.
The ship landed in the front of a small town. the four ninja stood before it. The villagers seemed a bit frightened by them Sensei Wu came to see why they landed but stopped when he saw the town.
Sensei Wu: Oh my. Uh… where are we?
Jay: I don’t really know
One of the villagers: Look! It’s Sarah! Are you okay?
The ninja looked to see the golden ninja again. She jumped off the ship silently and so did the ninja and Sensei Wu.
Kai: *whispering* She doesn’t talk much
Zane: Neither do you
Cole: Is that statue who I think it is?
Jay: Lord…. Garmadon
Sensei Wu: It can’t be
A Villager: Do you like our statue? It took hours to build.
Cole: Yeah but, why Garmadon?
Another Villager: He’s our hero. Capex can’t kill us as long as we’re here near our statue. We do not think of him as a god though. But, he’s Sarah’s love.
Kai heard none of this. While the villagers were talking, he snuck away and read more of the diary.
Kai Read:
The way he cursed me was that he took away my strength. But I can only destroy my enemies when he wants me to. He roams inside me and controls me. When he’s not in me, I can do whatever I want. Capex also took my voice away. The only way I can communicate is by writing.Once Capex is destroyed, I can talk again.
Kai was very shocked to see this. He was going to tell the others, but he knows he had to keep it a secret.
Kai was reading the diary when he noticed someone behind him. He heard a laugh sounding like Garmadon’s shadow.
Kai: Wh-who’s there?
Voice: Nice to see you again, Kai
Kai: Who are-are you. Show yourself!
Voice: I go by the name… Capex.
Kai knew he couldn’t yell for help because he was far away from his friends.
Capex appeared behind him.
Capex: And this time, you can’t yell for help.
Kai: I thought everyone was safe when the statue is up.
Capex: Just like you said, “Only when it’s up”.
Kai: The statue is torn down? Oh no!
Capex punched Kai in the face and Kai flew out of his hiding place
A villager: Look that guy! He got hit… wait,… who’s that? IT’S CAPEX! RUN!!!
Capex and Sarah ran at each other. Capex kept punching Sarah in the face and when Sarah finally fell over, they both saw Kai sword.
A Villager: That’s the sword that gives either Sarah or Capex power. Whoever gets there first will be invincible! GO SARAH!
Capex and Sarah both ran to the sword also fighting each other.
Capex finally kicked Sarah in the stomach and she fell silently. Capex picked up the sword.
ReplyDeleteCapex: Finally, Watch out Sarah. This time I’m letting you off the hook, but next time
you won’t be so lucky.
Capex disappeared.
villager: Now he has all the power in the world. Sarah, what do we
*Later in the Destiy's Bounty*
ReplyDeleteKai: Sarah? Can I ask you a question? It’s a secret.
Sarah nodded her head
Kai took her back to his hiding place and took the diary off the ground.
Kai: It says Capex took your voice away. Is that true?
Sarah: He did…..
Kai: Oh so you can talk
Sarah: I can now…
Kai: How come you didn’t say it in your diary?
Sarah took the diary and went to the next page
Kai: Oh…
Kai took off Sarah’s hood to see what she looked like. Sarah had long brown hair in a braid.
Kai: Why did you never take off your hood?
Sarah: I’m a mess…
Kai: Not to me you aren’t
Kai took her hands
Jay: HA HA HA HA HA -breath- HA HA HA -cough cough-HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!
Kai's face turned red
Kai: JAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kai: JAY!!!!!!!!!!
Jay: HA HA I’m -cough cough- sorry It’s just-
Kai: I WILL say it
Jay: No! please go… HA HA HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
Sarah: What?
Kai: Jay kissed his pillow
*Jay stopped laughing. His face turned red. He ran away*
*Sarah sighed*
Kai: What's wrong?
Sarah: I know I have to tell you sometime
Kai: Tell me what?
Sarah: Garmadon’s secret
Kai’s eyes got wide
Sarah: He’s not really evil. The snake that bit him, it wasn’t the Great Devourer; it was Capex.
Kai: eyes got wider
Sarah: Capex knocked out Garmadon and made him very sick. But he also controlled him. Until one day I fought Garmadon. Once I won him he passed out. Capex found his last target, me
Sensei Wu and the other three ninja walked to where they were.
Sensei Wu: It is time to go back to the ship.
Kai: Can Sarah come?
Cole: Sure, we could use all the help we can get.
Sensei Wu: Then it is settled
*They all walked on the ship.*
Kai: -Whispering- Are you gonna tell them about your voice?
ReplyDeleteSarah: I need to keep it a secret
Kai: -Clears Throat- Well, I’ll go show Sarah her room
Kai and Sarah walked into a spare room on the ship
Kai: We had to repair the ship since the Great Devourer destroyed it. It was really hard
Sarah sighed
Kai: You okay?
Sarah: You know that diary?
Kai: yeah
Sarah: Well… I need to tell you something that I didn’t say in my diary. But, I trust you not to tell anyone
Kai: I won’t tell anyone, I promise
Sarah took a deep breath
Sarah: Capex and I have met before. I was the one that helped Garmadon become in charge of the skeleton army
Kai: How could you?! The skeleton army are evil and-
Sarah: I’m not done yet. You see, if I hadn’t fallen with him into the underworld… Well, let’s just say that I saved you all, it made me stronger. You would’ve all been destroyed by Capex if it weren’t for me.
Kai: How come?
Sarah: Because… you need to rely on Garmadon to save you…
Kai: WHAT??!??!?!? You’re not making any sense!
Sarah: quiet! Now, me and Garmadon were dating as you know. When I came for out 4th date, he had red eyes. He was about to kill Wu. So I ran but, this hole caved into the ground. I fell with Garmadon but before he found me, I escaped.
Kai: Where did you hi-
Jay: Heh heh, uh… It’s uh, time for dinner
Kai: Okay, I’ll be there in a sec
Once Jay left Kai looked at Sarah
Kai: You coming?
Sarah: Uh.. No thanks. I need to do something. Besides I’m not hungry
Kai: Alright.
Kai walked to the dinner table
Jay: Sooo, how’s your girlfriend?
Kai couldn’t handle it any longer. He hit Kai right in the face and tackled him to the ground.
Jay: Kai I just-
Kai: DON’T TALK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sensei Wu got up
Sensei Wu: Kai! Stop!
Kai punched sensei too
Zane punched Kai.
Suddenly, Kai’s eyes went red
Cole: RUN!!!!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile Sarah went to the bridge and started looking at the files.
Her heart pounded in her chest as she pressed more buttons.
Sarah: What’s this? Oh no!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sarah ran to the deck but stopped when she saw Kai trying to destroy his friends. Sarah was about to talk but she remembered she was going to keep her voice a secret.
So instead she attacked Kai
Zane: Sarah! HEEEEELP!
ReplyDeleteSarah knew why he was being like this. So she spoke.
Sarah: Don’t worry, I’m right here…. brother
Kai disappeared
Cole: I thought you were still doing that silent treatMENT! SARAH!!!!!!!!!!
Suddenly, Capex was behind her. He had the sword of fire
Sarah: Why have you become so evil you fool?
Capex: You already know.
He lifted up his sword. Sarah was paralyzed with fear. Someone pushed her away fortunately.
Sarah: Garmadon?
Garmadon: Capex! I’ve had enough of you!
Garmadon took out a sword and started trying to fight Capex
Capex: Oh how pathetic I can’t stand how slow you’re moving, you’re like a turtle, yes a black turtle
With that, Capex disappeared. Cole hit Garmadon
Cole: Dude, you’re so confusing. Kai had his sword, how come we don’t have our weapons?
Garmadon: Because Kai is going to be alot of help to defeat Capex
Sarah: Garmadon, I need to tell you something important… oh, uh yeah I forgot
Sarah closed her eyes. Suddenly, Kai popped up next to Sarah
Jay, Zane, Cole: Kai!
while they were all crowding around Kai asking him questions, Sarah pulled Garmadon back
Sarah: I heard Pythor was loose
Garmadon: I saw him. Pythor was talking to Capex about taking over together. I couldn’t hear them much because I only got to hear Pythor say something about taking over together, then I heard Go ninja Go
Sarah: Well, that’s not surprising
Garmadon: Is there anything else?
Sarah: Yes, one more thing. I figured out that Capex can take form of anyone
Garmadon: what?
Sarah: In the whole world
Kai came over to Sarah
Kai: Thanks for saving me
Sarah elbowed Garmadon
Garmadon: Alright, here are your weapons
Garmadon gave the four ninja their weapons
Zane: Thank you Garmadon
Garmadon: Well, I guess I’m not all that evil. From now on we’ll have to do teamwork to defeat Capex. Good Luck.
Sensei Wu was drinking tea in his room of the ship when he heard yelling and fighting.
ReplyDeleteCole: No Kai, Jays right, It’s your fault
Zane: Well, you were trying to destroy us
Jay: Oh, I forgot, Capex didn’t even take form of you when you tackled me!!!
Kai just stared at his feet
Sensei Wu walked over to the ninja. They turned to him
Sensei Wu: This is NOT how you should be acting to your BROTHER! Apoigise! NOW!
Jay: -rolling his eyes- I’m sorry Kai… Kai?
Kai was nowhere to be seen. Cole looked down from the ship. There was Kai.
Everyone: KAIIII!!!!!!!
Kai landed on the ground easly
Zane: Phew, It’s good he’s okay
Jay: Yeah but where is he GOING!??!!?
Kai ran off into a narrow and dark pathway
A voice: Kai is that you?
Kai: Wh-who are you?
The voice: It’s me Pythor. Listen, you need to get out of here or he’ll kill you too!
Kai: Who?
Pythor: Capex!
Kai noticed all around him. There were lots of chains all around.
Suddenly, the narrow pathway was fine but he was closed in!
Pythor: Please don’t hurt me I beg you!
Kai: I won’t just show yourself
Pythor went out of his hiding place but quickly zipped back in saying
Kai looked behind him to see Capex
Capex Well hello, Kai
Capex knocked Kai out
Capex knocked Kai out
ReplyDeleteKai woke up, he was chained up too, one chain was around his neck, two were on his hands also stuck to a rock.
Capex came to him
Capex: Too bad your friends aren’t here to save you, now where is Sarah?
Kai just struggled to get away
Kai: NINJA-GO!!!!!!!!!…….. OW!
Capex laughed
Capex: It’s too bad you can’t get away. You see, theese are ninja free
Will you tell me?
Capex: suit yourself
Capex pulled on a chain that was connected with the chain on his neck
Kai: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile the ship landed and the four ninja jumped off it
Cole: Okay Zane, do your thing
Zane scanned around and found were Kai was They ran to the rocks that blocked them
The three ninja: NINJA GO!!!!!!!!!!!
They cleared the rocks
Jay: Okay so….. do you see that?
Cole: Pythor!
Pythor: …….. Um… I can explain
The ninja took out their weapons
Pythor: Okay or not
Zane: I found Kai!
The ninjs ran over to Kai
Cole: -just about to cry- Kai uh… Kai
A voice: He was killed by Capex
The ninja turned around to see a light purple ninja
I’m Lexi, I’m Sarahs sensei
Sarah came out of some near by bushes
Sarah: -with tears in her eyes- I’m sorry I wouldve told you later but I was too shocked. I can bring him back to life but it will take some time, I’ll need help with Jay too.
Zane: She’s telling the truth
Jay: -red face- okay
Ninjago The Golden Legend Episode 9 Alive Again part 1
ReplyDeleteAll the nija including Lexi went on the ship and to the brige.
Nya: What happened?!
Lloyd: Is Kai okay?
Sensei Wu: it must have been Capex
Sarah: Yes. Stand back everyone. Jay, shock Kai with your lightning
Jay shocked Kai
Kai sat up and looked around
Kai fell over again
Cole: no… we didn’t
Zane: Sarah, whats wrong?
Sarah: His memory is all gone
Jay: So we need to teach him every single thing?
Kai: Every snugle thing
Sarah: Um…. does that answer your question?
Kai: Yowr question
Jay: KAI!
Kai: KAI!
Then Kai ran off making strange noises
Everyone looked at Sarah, but she just stood there wide eyed
Sarah: Oh my gosh
Kai’s head popped in
Kai: -sounding like a girl- Oh my gosh
Sarah walked to the deck with Cole
ReplyDeleteCole: Man, Kai is really wierd ever since he got revived
Sarah: Zane told me it was memory lo-
The sky darkend
Cole: What the?
Sarah: I never seen the sky do that before
The others ran out, except Kai
Sensei Wu: We saw the sky, whats going on?
Sarah: Capex!
Meanwhile Kai was looking around and hiding in dark places
Do do do do -Kai his his head- OW!
But then, Kai heard yelling
Kai: healp? help!
Kai ran over to the deck to see Capex and his friends chained up
Sarah looked at him, then closed her eyes
Sarah: I’m right here, brother
Kai suddenly remembered, how he was killed, how he met his friends, everything. Evern when he was a little boy
Kai: NINJA- GO!!!!!!!
Kai cut the chains on hisfriends
Kai: Sarah! Youre alright! CAPEX YOU CA…….n’t…. where is he?
Zane: I think he left
Cole: Um….. okay?
Jay: phew
Zane: By the way Sarah, why do you keep saying “Don’t worry I’m-
Sarah quickly covered Zanes mouth
Sarah: It’s good I covered your mouth. Thats a very powerful secret line. It lets you do anything you want. You think what you want it to do, then you say the line.
Cole: That can sure come in handy
Nya: Well, iit’s good to have you back.
Jay: But where is Lexi?
Sarah: I saw her run away before Capex could catch her too. Don’t worry, we’ll see her soon.